After upgrading to Magento I kept getting the following error when trying to go to the Customers screen. A similar error can also happen on other screens. It's when a Collection is being built, BUT there are duplicate entity_ids in the SQL results. To fix it, turn off the throw error.
Item (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer) with the same id "XXXX" already exist Edit lib/Varien/Data/Collection.php
Find the addItem function and comment out the "throw" line :
public function addItem(Varien_Object $item) { $itemId = $this->_getItemId($item); if (!is_null($itemId)) { if (isset($this->_items[$itemId])) { // throw new Exception('Item ('.get_class($item).') with the same id "'.$item->getId().'" already exist'); } else { $this->_items[$itemId] = $item; } } else { $this->_items[] = $item; } return $this; }
DONE! Got this from