Author: james

How to reset a Windows 7 password or locked user

Boot into Ubuntu desktop using a USB stick download the .deb file from this page ie Click the deb file, it should open the software installer, then click the Install button. Ctrl-Alt T – to open a terminal cd /media/XXXIDENTIFIER/Windows/System32/config

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Deploying from github to a webserver

So you’ve set up an account with Github and have a version of your code/site on your local laptop. This is how to deploy it. Borrowed most of this from deploy.php on Github Step 1 – upload deploy.php to your

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Basics of git

Open a git bash shell. Basic command set up: git init – set up git in the folder git status – what git is tracking git add <filename> – add file to git, in other words ‘stage’ this version of

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SFTP with Filezilla and Putty

In case of IP address restrictions, if you want to connect to SFTP via another host eg.a server, you can do this by SSHing in to the other host. Open a Putty session and connect to your host using SSH.

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Welcome to Startnet

WordPress and Magento 2 developers. We develop Plugins, Extensions, Modules, Migrations and Templates. Based in London and Surrey, when it Comes To Websites… We Cater From The Biggest Project to the Smallest Request.

Delete a Magento order in 1.9 using MySQL

To delete an order from Magento 1.9 using SQL – “100001234” is the order number : SET @increment_id=’100001234′;SELECT @order_id:=entity_id FROM sales_flat_order WHERE increment_id=@increment_id;DELETE FROM sales_flat_order WHERE entity_id=@order_id;DELETE FROM sales_flat_order WHERE increment_id=@increment_id;DELETE FROM sales_flat_invoice WHERE increment_id=@increment_id; DELETE FROM sales_flat_shipment WHERE increment_id=@increment_id;DELETE

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How to use fail2ban and iptables

Config files for fail2ban are in /etc/fail2ban. On CentOS fail2ban uses SYSLOG which is /var/log/messages as its log file. grep fail2ban fail2ban bans addresses for ‘bantime’ seconds (often 10minutes) in /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf List currently banned IP addresses : iptables -L -nv

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